Corinne A Schneider writes and teaches yoga in Washington, DC

Yoga Practice & Influence

Yoga Practice & Influences 

Fluid movement changes us.  That is, when we move omni-directionally -- front to back, side to side, and around in circles -- we create new neural pathways, new ways of being/living, and get un-stuck. All you need is a willingness to show up and see what happens.  

Corinne has an MFA in poetry from Hunter College of the City University of New York. She teaches & studies in the tradition of Prana Vinyasa, a creative & relatable approach to embodying the life-flow (prana) of yoga. Her classes are characterized by uncommon sequences, subtlety in form, and asanas (shapes) given in kramas (levels), so as to be accessible to all. No two classes will be the same, but the sutra (thread) of each class apparent. Her deepest intention is for students to access their own embodiment & bhavana (feeling state) through ritual movement & the power of the collective class. 

Corinne is a poet & writer from the Great Lakes region of Turtle Island, what is now called the US. She is just beginning to understand how to de-colonize this shared life & her yoga teachings, and often starts by calling things by their real names. She is a flaneur and traveler, queer, an internationalist, a planet activist & is here for the ancient future! She is 500 hour certified. Come play!  
